"Even my niece, who is dyslexic and HATES reading and writing, loved using the tool and wanted to do more and more…I heard a big difference!"

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Development Opportunities

Sara L. Smith, Creator of the Expanding Expression Tool and Presenter

As a national speaker, Sara provides insight into learning and demonstrates strategies to use with all children. Her interest and continued study of language processing and multi-sensory approaches has led to her development of the Expanding Expression Tool (EET) for improved oral and written expression. She received her bachelor's Degree from Central Michigan University and her Master's Degree from Bowling Green State University.

The Idea

During my first year as a speech-language pathologist I noticed how difficult it was for kids to express themselves. Even to talk about common vocabulary or objects was a challenge. One night I went home and put together a tool that would show kids all the things they could include when describing. My students started providing 7-8 details about whatever I asked them to describe with the EET. I then used the EET to help my students write reports. I used it with students in the gifted and talented, general education, and special education classrooms. I noticed that all the students with whom I used it made remarkable gains that were almost immediate. When our principal saw the results with the Expanding Expression Tool, she indicated she wanted all of our teachers using it. I am very grateful to her and to the many teachers who were the first to welcome the EET into their classrooms. I then developed the EET into a kit for classrooms and presented at my first conference.

And Now...

I spend my days between presenting across the country and parenting two wonderful children. The Expanding Expression Tool is in 22 states and in over 4,000 classrooms. Although I miss having my own students, I am blessed to be able to work with students when modeling lessons. I am also enjoying the success stories and student samples sent to me by teachers.

Sara L. Smith, Creator of the
Expanding Expression Tool and presenter

The Kit Research