"I received my kit yesterday and had fun "playing" with it last night with my 10 year old son. He didn’t want to stop! I can hardly wait to use it with my students."

Parent and Speech-Language Pathologist

(read more testimonials)

Vendor Profile

Federal Tax ID: 83-0427796

1 Member LLC, woman-owned

Address for purchase orders, remit to:

Expanding Expression, LLC

PO Box 1535

Bay City, MI 48706

Fax: 989-697-7059

Email: eetsmiths@gmail.com (for purchase orders or inquiries)

Phone: 989-225-0436 (contact: Sara Smith)

We do accept purchase orders (mail, fax, email) and checks. To order online visit www.expandingexpression.com.

Net 15/Subject to Withholding- No

Canada: Please remit payment in US bank/US funds or add 40% for exchange.

Expanding Expression is the sole manufacturer and copyright holder of the Expanding Expression Tool kit. The content of the EET tool, symbols and/or colors are protected by copyright law and will be enforced. This copyright owner does not give permission to share or sell this information or any adaptation of Expanding Expression on tpt, online, or any other commercial means. We are the sole source provider of the Expanding Expression Large Classroom Poster, Beary Good Sentences Board, and Expanding Expression Show and Share Bags.